If given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. Turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It also brings peace to the home, woof ...Howl give me some of that!!
Lapis lazuli is an ancient gem, and has a storied history. Egyptian cultures made a practice of burying a lapis lazuli scarab with their dead, and believed it to offer protection. WOOF the burying thing again what’s with ancient cultures woof and the dead stuff woof woof it creeps me out! But I do love this Lapis wrap bracelet above sooo chic!
Carnelian has a long and storied past, and was once considered strictly the property of the noble class. People holding a high social status were often buried with this gem stone. woof ewwww...yuyucky I only want to buried with my bone...or maybe this carnelian wrap bracelet above its super cool!

I like it very much .crystal jewelry clear, like an innocent woman